30 December 2006

NYE and shizzle

alright there's loads of happenings this new year's eve. instead of going to some lame-o house party, try one of the many hep, less expensive entertainment offerings. Or, if you're a true champ like i am, DO BOTH!

for starters, Brit's Pub is having a Rolling Stones Tribute Band - called TUMBLIN' DICE - play at 8:30 and i believe it is free! so the only thing you'll spend money on is some good, Enlish lager. i sure know what my early celebratory plans are . . . that's right, watching some old guys imitate some other old guys trying to recapture their youth and success! But i'm well excited for this.

(is it scary how much Mick Jagger looks like Liam Gallagher in the photo?)

(I mean, the old Liam Gallagher . . . not the one now who looks like a clone of Ian Brown!)

oi this photo search wuz faaaaar more work than anticipated

at any rate, other things happening include:
First Ave's DJed party (sovietpanda 12-2ish = well futile!) in the mainroom (as well as VIP room events) $15 on the door
Varsity Theatre's night of Mark Mallman and DJ Jake Rudh (good choons!)

erm and i know there are others but i just can't be bothered right now...
whatever u do, be safe n stuff but have some laughs will ya? you deserve it

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29 December 2006

Tapes (and tapes and tapes...)

Alright then, biggest show in Minneapolis during my winter break - Tapes N Tapes - was at First Ave last night. Good stuff cos in July when I'd seen em for the first time, they'd seemed a bit blah but have redeemed themselves! Was not blown away by any means but was a good, solid set. Even though they're the band from Mpls who have probably made it the biggest (this year), loads of people who asked what I was doing Friday night (okay, not loads cos i'm not that popular) but still, a significant amount of people didn't know who they were! i was shocked at having to explain to fellow minneapolitans about their own hometown heroes. at any rate, the openers sucked and i near fell asleep (i would go into more detail but may well be saving it for a scathing review on britishrockisalwaysontop - a blog which actually recieves visitors!)

And as decemeber comes to a close, that makes me wonder yeah not only what the new year will hold for music, but more urgently, how it will be rung in! loads of things to do around here, best of luck on deciding which to hit up!

anyways cheers till next time

ps. TNT look waaaay cuter in person =)

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19 December 2006

Why Can't We All Just Get Along....?

...at least all the celebrities that used to be in bands together. Looks like there's drama afresh between notorious Pete Doherty and Carl Barat. I mean, it's all just tabloid fodder how Petah doesn't need Carl...how the Libertines were only good cos he was in it, etc. But really, things were looking up for their relationship after a few reunions in pubs across London. Getting our hopes up I guess. Nothing new I guess, the Libertines are as broken up as ever, sadly, so lets not hold our breath for that teary-eyed, joyful reunification of a once-great camaraderie.

In other, more outrageous news, superstars
Muse are going to be the opening act for none other than My Chemical Romance. Now granted, this is a North-American tour, so obviously this is a demographic in which more people would pay to see P!ATD, but still. It's still hard for me to deal with the fact that our taste in music is a bit inferior. Muse are terrific and headliners in themselves. In fact, I saw them headline a brilliant show this past summer. Can't we stick to the State Theatre instead of trying to sell out (and in doing so, actually sell out) the Excel Center?

In other news, apparently Kasabian and Oasis are getting tighter and tighter, Kasabian all but proposed on one knee to the britpoppers. Who wouldn't say yes?
Tom: We'll see you at
Glastonbury yeah.
Me: With any luck at all, yes.

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16 December 2006

Best of 2006 (part 1)




I recently submitted my list of TOP TEN SHOWS OF 2006 to fellow [but awesomer] blogger britishrockisalwaysontop. Will be interesting to see what his and others' were... thought I'd put mine up here (as this is a project in self-indulgence). Brilliant.

1. Klaxons /Shit Disco /Dandi Wind (Metro, London) ...I didn't take those photos, sadly. though excitingly, it does make me look like a mincy newraver.

2. Kasabian (Metro, Chicago)
3. The Rakes (Varsity The
atre, Minneapolis)
4. The Rapture/The Presets (Metro, Chicago)
5. Mystery Jets/The Spinto Band (Electric Ballroom, London)
6. The Strokes/Adam Green (Hammersmith Apollo, London)
7. Hot Chip (Metro, Chicago)
8. Juanes (Shepherd's Bush Apollo, London)
9. Dirty Pretty Things (Kentish Town Forum, London)
10.Muse (State Theatre, Minneapolis)


Well cheers, that's it for now. Should of have me camera at more shows I guess but you can't win em all yeah. All I can say is that I can't wait for all the shows of 2007, though 2006 will be a tough one to beat, that's for sure.



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New TrashStache


it's time had come and gone. so in with the new yeah?

Right now, as I'm in
Minneapolis for the next month, this great city will no doubt be the centre of all activity, which is no problem as far as I'm concerned. Actually, I think it's getting considerably better in terms of respectable things to do. For example, I spent my first night home at the monthly indie dance night put on by the one and only First Avenue. After Imogen Heap finished, the VIP room got it started with crazy-good tunes (pronounced 'chunes') mixed by none other than Soviet Panda and The Glamour. It was well good times, especially at the VIP room as it makes for a perfect club venue: long and rather narrow, separated seating/dancing, outskirts upon which to perfect wallflower posing, etc. Reminds me of club nights in London, you know, a city in which rubbish top-40 doesn't dominate everything. So tis in good time that TOO MUCH LOVE came to be. As one of First Ave's interns, I really wanted to see this happen, and told them so!! Couldn't be happier that it's working out, but heard somewhere that there is thought of moving it to the main room?? That would kill it, certain. i can already tell you that. So we'll fight it i guess. Fight on for intimacy and the VIP room yeah. now we just need more nights like Too Much Love.

Hope the new TrashStache will be fulfilling...check back and/or comment often.


p.s. Don't be confused by the time stamp. I registered in the Cook Islands with the hopes that my addy would be something like [blogspot.trash_stache.co.ck] but alas, Mr. Barley must of run into more luck with that than I have...

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